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  • Goals | RedEDIT

    Goals I Objectives I Goals 1 two 3 - Establish homogeneous quality standards among Ibero-American Nursing Journals. ​ - Establishment of homogeneous standards of quality among Iberoamerican nursing journals. ​ - To set homogeneous standards of quality among Ibero-American Nursing Journals. - Establish common strategies for indexing Ibero-American Nursing Journals. ​ - Establish common strategies for the indexing of Iberoamerican nursing journals. ​ - To establish common strategies to index Ibero-American Nursing Journals. - Establish common strategies to increase the visibility of knowledge generated by Ibero-American Nursing. ​ - Establish common strategies to increase the visibility of the knowledge generated by the Iberoamerican nursing. ​ - To establish common strategies to increase the visibility of the knowledge generated by the Ibero-American Nursing.

  • Collection | RedEDIT

    Files ABEn Editors Forum Download List of Magazines and Editors Download

  • Estrutura | RedEDIT

    Structure Executive Committee I Regional Coordinating Group Composition: ​ President – Responsible for coordinating the activities of all Committees (established in the work plan) and for representing the Network. Headquarters of the Secretariat of the Network. Vice President – Support in coordinating the activities of all Committees and representation of the Network. Executive Director – Responsible for communications within the Network and for the integration of the different members/representatives of each member country in the activities proposed by the Committees. Responsible for each of the Technical Committees. Representatives from each member country of the Network (National Coordinating Groups). ​ ​

  • Members | RedEDIT

    Members/Members Argentina (1) Bolivia (1) Brazil (48) Show More Chile (5) Colombia (7) Costa Rica (2) Cuba (5) b621fe1483e46cf1f0263ed3b659ed19 1e8022b3980436d6d3e8d56eee154b26 e349b5fa446525d9388caa97f15129ba El Salvador (1) Spain (6) Enfermería Cuidándote SANUM Ridec Ridec Metas de Enfermería Metas de Enfermería Enfermería Global Enfermería Global ENFERMERÍA ONCOLÓGICA ENFERMERÍA ONCOLÓGICA Ecuador (1) Mexico (4) 0f728b4712c02b476a2e7496b5269d00 7de4f86cc18a0377726085d5e9fd2ac3 885764ba11ce498e6e7d31346aee182d 5da597632efdd7fa3f5cd0f458640c2c Portuguese (5) 73bc8cada0a7b27f402d998d0a5393bc 6f65300db1959779711a549a6c3278ab e856a5c3aebf1c92944851df9ba6fcf4 456674f2a5078f0dd8fc7a8e7c434748 1ee0c1423916f9eec98743ef6a4b09a4 Uruguay (1) Venezuela (1)

  • Ações Pensadas | RedEDIT

    Thoughtful Actions/Proposed Actions 1. Based on all the discussions and data presented, the Network's Work Plan will be prepared by the Executive Committee. 2. Creation of the Network's website in conjunction with OPS/Web Enfermería en las Américas. 3. Creation of a discussion group among the members of the Network. 4. Preparation of an Electronic Newsletter. 5. Promotion of periodic On-Line Courses. 6. Evaluation of the potential and difficulties of the journals that are members of the Network. The results will support the actions of all Committees. 1.On the basis of all the arguments and data presented, they will be prepared by The Executive Committee and the Work Plan of La Red. 2. Creation of the website of the Red in conjunction with the OPS / Web Enfermería en las Américas. 3. Create a discussion group between members of the network. 4. Development of an electronic newsletter. 5. Promotion of online courses. 6.Evaluation of potentials and difficulties of member Magazines of the red. The results will be based on the actions of all the committees. 1. Based on all the discussions and data presented, it will be prepared by the Executive Committee and the Network 'Work Plan'. 2. Creation of the Network website with the OPS/Web Enfermería en las Américas (PAHO / Web Nursing in the Americas.) 3. Creation of a discussion group among members of the Network. 4. Development of an Electronic Newsletter. 5. To offer periodical On-Line courses. 6. Evaluation of the potential and difficulties of Magazines Network members. The results will be based on the actions of all committees.

  • Métrica | RedEDIT

    Metrics scopus GO WOS GO

  • Registration | RedEDIT

    Registration Form / Enrollment Form Submit your journal for review by RedEdit: Add your review to be evaluated by RedEdit: Submit your magazine to be evaluated by RedEdit:

  • Contato | RedEDIT

    Contact Phone + 55 (16) 3315 - 3469 Email First Name Last Name Email Message send Thanks for submitting!

  • Comites | RedEDIT

    Committees Skills Development Committee/ Skills Development Committee Advise journal editors and technicians for the development of scientific publishing in accordance with the quality standards required by the databases. Advise the editors of new journals and technicians to develop the scientific edition according to the quality standards required by the databases. Indexing Committee/ Indexing Committee Responsible for proposing common strategies for indexing journals in national and international databases and for the continuous assessment of journal quality. Responsible for proposing common strategies for indexing journals in national and international databases and for continuous evaluation of journal quality. Responsible for proposing common strategies for indexing journals in national and international databases and for continuous evaluation of the quality of the journals. Events Committee / Events Committee Responsible for organizing and promoting events by the Network. Periodic Network Meetings: Forum (Bi-annual). Term of Committee members: 4 years with the possibility of re-election. Responsible for organizing and promoting events en la red. Periodic meetings of the red: Forums (biannual). Mandate of the members of the committee: four years with the possibility of reelection. Responsible for organizing and promoting events for the Network. Periodic meetings of the Network: Forums (Bi-annual). Mandate of committee members: four years with the possibility of re-election.

  • Funcões | RedEDIT

    Functions/Functions 1. Coordinate, stimulate and maintain the interest and the relationship between members of the red. 2. Receive and decide on requests for inclusion of new members in the red. 3. Coordinate the execution and evaluation of the biannual work plan. 4. Coordinate regional activities of dissemination, training, research and development related to the theme of the network.

  • Redes Sociais | RedEDIT

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  • Home | RedEDIT

    Fórum Latino Americano de Editoração Científica em Enfermagem Play Video Fórum Latino americano de Editoração Científica em Enfermagem 2020 Play Video Fórum Latino Americano de Editoração Científica em Enfermagem 1 Play Video Todos os vídeos Watch Now Fórum Latino americano de Editoração Científica em Enfermagem 2020 Play Video Share Whole Channel This Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Share Channel Info Close Registration Form Submit your journal for review by RedEdit View collection Access members Mission RedEdit, created in 2006 by PAHO, has the mission of bringing together all scientific journals produced by Nursing from Portuguese and Spanish speaking countries in Ibero-America, to promote their growing qualification. This site exists to give visibility to journals that have chosen to be part of this Network, to serve as a driving force for the union of scientific publishing leaders and add value to the work and the product of that collective effort. Scientific Communication Management In the field of scientific communication management, we have taken on the coordination of RedEdit since 2006, when it was created by the Regional Advisor on Nursing and Health Technicians, Health Systems and Services of the Pan American Health Organization-PAHO, Washington-DC In 2016 , during the meeting of the Ibero-American Scientific Publishing Network held in Ribeirão Preto, important decisions were taken, including on the accessibility of the website as a nucleus for the member journals and as a disseminator of them. From 2016 to 2021, the Study and Research Group on Communication in the Nursing Process - GEPECOPEn hosted, through its website , all the journals in the network, which now follow in its own domain with support from PAHO Brazil. Coordinators Coordinators Coordinators Isabel Mendes EERP USP RedEDIT- coordinator Carla Ventura EERP USP RedEDIT - vice coordinator Apoio Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo Centro Colaborador OPAS/OMS para desenvolvimento da Pesquisa em Enfermagem NOSSA VISÃO ADVOGADOS BACK TO THE TOP

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